As part of the WFPG's mission to encourage and promote the next generation of leaders, the organization hosts numerous events in addition to our mentoring fairs to provide students and young professionals with the opportunity to meet with international affairs professionals to discuss career experiences and to learn first-hand what tools are needed to excel in their fields. Learn more about WFPG Mentoring.
Government and Nonprofit Career Forum November 13, 2020 | Online A virtual panel of international affairs professionals shared advice on starting a career in the field, followed by an online career fair. Held in partnership with George Washington University, New York University, the University of Delaware, and the University of Pennsylvania
Diplomatic Toolbox: Multilateral Negotiations November 10, 2020 | Online A virtual conversation on strategies for successful multilateral negotiations, followed by an interactive negotiations simulation. Co-sponsored with the Robertson Foundation for Government and Women In International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Mindful Connections and Virtual Communication September 30, 2020 | Online A virtual conversation on adapting communication styles to a digital environment. Co-sponsored with Women In International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Federal Service: Navigating Applications and Landing Your First Job July 16, 2020 | Online A virtual conversation on the different pathways to public service and how to decipher USAJobs. Co-sponsored with Women In International Security (WIIS) and the Robertson Foundation for Government for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Job-Search Toolkit: Interviewing and Salary Negotiation June 16, 2020 | Online A virtual conversation on how to put your best foot forward when searching for a new job and interviewing. Co-sponsored with Women In International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Virtual Networking and Video Interviews May 20, 2020 | Online A virtual conversation on how the job hunt has changed. Co-sponsored with Women In International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Annual DC Mentoring Forum February 5, 2020 | Washington, DC WFPG's annual mentoring roundtable event co-sponsored with the George Washington University Career Center