
WFPG believes that providing the next generation of women leaders with the tools to succeed is key to promoting women’s voices in foreign policy. We provide a professional forum for young women to connect with one another. Our roundtable discussions enable our members — both those in the work force and those still in school — to interact with leaders and role models in the foreign policy community.

Through virtual and in-person mentoring and professional development programming, WFPG provides students and young professionals with the opportunity to meet with top international affairs leaders to discuss career experiences and to learn first-hand what tools are needed to excel in their fields. Each month, we host two virtual mentoring programs: Mentor Minutes and Career Pathways. Additionally, WFPG is proud to pair young professionals with experienced leaders in international affairs for our annual 1:1 Mentor Match program.  

Are you just starting out a career in international affairs? Are you exploring different pathways but unsure how to get there, or are you looking for guidance on how to land your dream job? Join the Women’s Foreign Policy Group for our monthly Mentor Minutes! Each month, WFPG Student and Young Professional members will get a chance to speak to an experienced mentor in international affairs in a small-group virtual setting. Members will gain insight on upcoming career decisions, learn more about tailoring applications to particular organizations and sectors, and hear directly from those in the field who have unparalleled experience to share.

Recent Mentor Minutes sessions have featured:
Ambassador Eunice Reddick, former Ambassador to Niger, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe
Andrea Thompson, Vice President of International Programs at Northrop Grumman
Camilla Vogt, National Security Advisor to U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper
Lila Abed, Director of the Wilson Center's Mexico Institute
Sarah Jackson-Han, Senior Advisor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Lara Tennyson, Head of Federal Affairs at Booking Holdings

Are you struggling to set yourself apart from other applicants, unable to move up in your department, or don’t know how to begin your career in a certain sector? Join WFPG for our monthly Career Pathways! These member-exclusive online events feature a panel of women leaders, each month from a different field in international affairs, to help answer your questions and provide insight into their chosen career paths. Whether you are a student preparing for the workforce, a young professional navigating your new job, or a more experienced professional who wants to transform their career, Career Pathways is the resource for you. 

Recent Career Pathways sessions have focused on:
Climate | International Law & Human Rights Security & Defense
U.S. Foreign Service
International Trade Fellowships
International Finance Organizations 
JournalismPublic Affairs & Communication

Every summer,  WFPG matches mentors with mentees for our year-long Mentor Match program. Students, young professionals, and mid-career members may apply to be matched with mid- or senior-level mentors, with whom they will be able to discuss career goals and challenges and form a professional relationship. WFPG hosts an orientation session for both mentors and mentees, and provides a framework for the initial conversations until matches become more familiar with each other. 

If you are interested in applying to be a mentor or mentee, look out for an email and announcement from WFPG in July regarding our 2025-2026 Mentor Match application cycle.

Not a member, but would like to advance your career through these programs? Join today!

Beginning a career in international affairs can be difficult without support and access to resources. WFPG is committed to providing guidance and strengthening the networks of students and young professionals across all sectors. As a WFPG member, not only are you invited to attend all in-person and virtual professional development and mentoring programs, but you also gain access to our member-exclusive LinkedIn Group and member-only experiences and opportunities.

WFPG Student and Young Professional membership is $60. Memberships are valid for one full year.