
WFPG publishes articles, blog posts and reports to elevate the voices of women experts and expand the foreign policy dialogue. Our Guide to Women Leaders in International Affairs also highlights the growing number of women leaders worldwide. Join our mailing list to be notified of publication releases.

2021 Guide to Women LeadersIt is critical that we recognize the women who have lead the way and understand how far we still have to go.

WFPG's Guide to Women Leaders in International Affairs highlights women shaping foreign policy around the world and the role that they play as leaders, diplomats, and policymakers. The Guide provides an index of prominent women from across the international community, including heads of state and government, government ministers and diplomats, and leaders of international organizations and corporations. Join WFPG as a member or make an optional contribution to download the Guide, and follow #g2wl on twitter for more inspirational quotes, stories and statistics. View Guides from previous years in our archives

In 2019, the WFPG honored African-American Women Trailblazers in Foreign Policy in a guide which highlights the contributions of African-American women to international affairs and as role models who paved the way for aspiring women leaders.

altVOICES, is a forum that highlights the expertise of those who make up and support the organization. WFPG members and partners are invited to submit blog posts on international affairs and foreign policy topics, women's leadership, and career advancement. Posts represent the reflections and personal views of members and guest bloggers and not those of their employers or of the WFPG. 
View blog | Submission guidelines

altWhen the world went virtual in March 2020, WFPG looked for new ways to amplify the voices of women in foreign policy and to highlight their work. With this in mind, the WFPG launched a weekly What We're Watching newsletter to share foreign policy focused discussions, podcasts and articles featuring women speakers and authors with its network and the wider foreign policy community.
Latest issue | 2020 Year in review | Subscribe

alt The Women's Foreign Policy Group's Membership Directory allows members to engage and connect with one another and view each other's biographies and expertise. Members who choose to be listed in the directory can select which sections of their profiles they wish to share with other members. If contact information is not listed, WFPG will be happy to forward a message on the member's behalf. To view the directory, log into your WFPG account, then hover over the Member Center tab on the top right of the homepage and select Directory. The Directory is available exclusively to WFPG members.

