As part of the WFPG's mission to encourage and promote the next generation of leaders, the organization hosts numerous events in addition to our mentoring fairs to provide students and young professionals with the opportunity to meet with international affairs professionals to discuss career experiences and to learn first-hand what tools are needed to excel in their fields. Learn more about WFPG Mentoring.
Mid-Career Challenges: Women Shifting Careers October 6, 2021 | Online During the first event in WFPG's new Mid-Career Mentoring series, the panelists discussed how to overcome the challenges of changing sectors or advancing in your field as a mid-career woman. They covered the importance of developing and refining your professional narrative, identifying and leveraging professional support networks, and fostering connections in the virtual age.
Working in the Field: Opportunities & Challenges for Your International Career July 13, 2021 | Online During this discussion on field work and working abroad, the panelists covered the variety of opportunities available, what skills are necessary, considerations and logistics, and tips on adapting to a new environment. Co-sponsored with Women in International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Mid-Career Pathways and Opportunities at the United Nations June 25, 2021 | Online A virtual discussion with UN officials and representatives from the UN's Office of Human Resources on mid-level careers and opportunities at the United Nations, followed by interactive breakout sessions in which participants could ask their own questions on a wide variety of topics
Common Gender Traps in Communications May 5, 2021 | Online Communications experts led an interactive workshop on how to avoid common communications mistakes and elevate and amplify fellow women’s voices in meetings and in the workplace. Co-sponsored with Women in International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Foreign Policy on the Hill: Understanding the Field April 23, 2021 | Online A panel of Congressional staffers delved into the critical role that Congress plays in US foreign policy and the entry-level and mid-career professional opportunities available. Co-sponsored with Women in International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series
Virtual Global Affairs Career Forum February 24, 2021 | Online WFPG hosted a career forum where students and recent graduates connected with mid- and senior-level international affairs professionals and gained practical career advice.
Exploring the Field: International Affairs Research February 8, 2021 | Online A panel of international affairs professionals shared insight into their careers in IA research and gave advice to aspiring researchers. Co-sponsored with Women in International Security (WIIS) for WFPG and WIIS's Professional Development Series