Annual DC Mentoring Fair
Georgetown University
February 3, 2009

The DC Mentoring Fair was held at Georgetown University on February 3rd and was co-sponsored by Women in International Security (WIIS) and the School of Foreign Service Career Development Center.


WFPG Board Member Donna Constantinople

Lisa A. Keathley of Georgetown University,
WFPG President Patricia Ellis, Donna Constantinople, and
Jolynn Shoemaker of Women in International Security


WFPG DC Mentoring Fair

Lisa Keathley ringing the
bell to signal the next round

Patricia Ellis with Catherine Shea of the International
Center for Not-for-Profit Law and Diane Holt of
Transitions International Inc.

WFPG Board Member Tracey McMinn talks with a
student about international business and government relations

WFPG Board Secretary Donna Constantinople talks with
a student about careers in communications
and public affairs


Will Davis of the United Nations Information Center
talks to students and young professionals about
working for the UN

Michelle Clark of George Washington University talks
to students about careers in human rights 

Ambassador Linda Jewell talks to students about
a career in the foreign service


Sarah Winslow Farnsworth of Interaction talks
about her experience in international development

Jolynn Shoemaker of Women in International Security
discusses her organization

Indonesian Consul General Trie Mulyani
shows a student a map of Indonesia

Barbara Ramundo of Ramundo Consulting Group, LLC talks
about her experience working with foundations

Consultant Yvonne Thayer talks about
her work for the State Department

Stanley Kober of the Cato Institute talks
to students about policy analyst careers