WFPG MENTORING FAIR: Georgetown University

Cosponsored by Women in International Security (WIIS) and the School of Foreign Service Career Development Center
The Women's Foreign Policy Group
Mentoring Program

January 28, 2008


Copley Hall, Georgetown University


Washington, DC


Mentors registering

Mentors chatting before the fair

Lisa Keathley, Jolynn Shoemaker, and Patricia Ellis

Lisa Keathley ringing the bell to signal next mentoring session

WFPG Board Member Tracey McMinn advising students

WFPG Board Members Tracey McMinn and Dawn Calabia with Patricia Ellis and UN Information Center Director, Will Davis

Copley Hall, Georgetown University

WFPG Board Member Donna Constantinople advising students

Donna Woolf discusses State Department careers

Students listening to a mentor

Consul General Trie Edi Mulyami of Indonesia counsels a student

Mentors and students during the informal networking session