April 26, 2023 — The Women's Foreign Policy Group partnered with the Organization of American States to host its twelfth keystone annual reception that commemorated and celebrated the accomplishments of women ambassadors and deputy chiefs of mission — the first Celebration of Women Diplomats program in Washington since the pandemic! The evening consisted of remarks from several distinguished women ambassadors and DCMs, as well as a reception where attendees networked with like-minded, inspiring women in the field. Read more
October 17, 2022 — For the first time after the pandemic, WFPG held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats in New York City. WFPG Board Member Maureen White hosted the event at her residence. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield gave inspirational remarks on the importance of women participation in the United Nations, the crises in Ukraine and Iran, and the necessity to amplify women's voices around the world. Read more
April 16, 2019 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Ambassador Sylvie Lucas of Luxembourg and Ambassador Roya Rahmani of Afghanistan gave brief remarks on the importance of mentorship in their careers and in diplomacy, emphasizing the importance of mentoring and role models in developing and encouraging confidence, passion, and curiosity. Read more
March 28, 2019 — WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter hosted the Women’s Foreign Policy Group for its 12th annual celebration in New York. The honorees included Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations: Mirgul Moldoisaeva of Kyrgyzstan, Milica Pejanović Đurišić of Montenegro, Maleeha Lodhi of Pakistan, Pennelope Beckles of Trinidad and Tobago, and US Ambassador for UN Management and Reform Cherith Norman-Chalet. Read more
May 23, 2017 — WFPG held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the Embassy of Luxembourg. Brief remarks were made by Ambassadors Anne Anderson of Ireland, Lou Anne Gilchrist of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Floreta Faber of Albania on the importance of mentoring, the impact mentoring has had on their careers, and the ways in which they practice mentoring. Read more
April 4, 2017 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its 11th annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter. Honorees included the Ambassadors to the United Nations from Albania, Andorra, Bhutan, Colombia, Hungary, Lithuania, Pakistan, Qatar, and Zambia. Ambassador Michele Sison, Deputy Permanent Representative of the US Mission to the UN, gave brief remarks. Read more
June 1, 2016 — Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi of Finland hosted WFPG’s annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at her residence. Honorees included Ambassadors Floreta Faber of Albania, Kirsti Kauppi of Finland, Réka Szemerkényi of Hungary, Vlora Çitaku of Kosovo, Maguy Maccario Doyle of Monaco, Hassana Alidou of Niger, Thelma Philip-Browne of Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Oliver Wonekha of Uganda, as well as Chargé d’Affaires Wafa Bughaighis of Libya. Read more
April 14, 2016 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter. Honorees included the Ambassadors from Bhutan, Luxembourg, Panama, Pakistan, and Vietnam to the United Nations. WFPG also recognized the Deputy Permanent Representatives of Australia, the Bahamas, Burkina Faso, and the United States, as well as the Consuls General of China, Croatia, Kazakhstan, and Uruguay. Read more
April 23, 2015 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its annual DC Celebration of Women Diplomats hosted by Ambassador Maguy Maccario Doyle of Monaco at her residence. During the event, the ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of Congo, Hungary, Jordan, and Oman briefly described their mentors and challenges that shaped their experiences as women leaders. They also offered advice to the next generation of women leaders in foreign policy. Read more
April 21, 2015 — WFPG held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter. Honorees included the Ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Singapore, and Vietnam. WFPG also recognized the Deputy Permanent Representatives of Kenya, Moldova, Lebanon, and the United States, as well as the Consul General of Peru. Read more
July 7, 2014 — Ambassador Claudia Fritsche of Liechtenstein hosted the Women’s Foreign Policy Group at her residence for its annual DC Celebration of Women Diplomats. Honorees included the ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Ireland, and Liechtenstein as well as the chargé d’affaires of Costa Rica. Read more
May 7, 2014 — WFPG held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of member Geraldine Kunstadter. Honorees included the ambassadors of Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Liberia, and Qatar. WFPG also recognized the Deputy Permanent Representatives of Mexico, the Philippines, Romania, as well as Consuls General representing Brazil, Croatia, El Salvador, Kazakhstan, Norway, and Romania. Read more
March 19, 2013 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the Embassy of Estonia, hosted by Ambassador Marina Kaljurand. In light of the lively debate spurred by Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Lean In, the ambassadors were asked to make brief comments on what can be done to motivate women to believe in themselves and “lean in” to new opportunities to succeed in their careers. Read more

April 30, 2013 — The Women’s Foreign Policy Group held its 7th annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter. Honorees included the ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Iceland, Grenada, Honduras, and Ireland, as well as the deputy permanent representatives of Brazil, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malawi, Norway, and the US, and consuls general representing Colombia, Cyprus, Slovakia, and Venezuela. Read more
June 7, 2012 — Women's Foreign Policy Group held its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at the Residence of Ambassador Claudia Fritsche of Liechtenstein. Speakers included US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer and the ambassadors from Bahrain, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Finland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Senegal. Read more
May 3, 2012 — WFPG member Geraldine Kunstadter hosted the organization’s annual Celebration of Women Diplomats at her residence. Speakers included Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the UN of the Czech Republic and Monaco, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Kenya, and the Consul General of Slovenia. The diplomats spoke of women's empowerment in their own countries and reflected on their own goals and responsibilities. Read more
April 13, 2011 — WFPG and Ambassador Elena Poptodorova of Bulgaria hosted a program and reception to honor women diplomats and celebrate the centennial of International Women's Day. In her opening remarks, Ambassador Poptodorova discussed the gains made by women in the diplomatic, political, and corporate worlds, and highlighted the success of businesses with more women on their boards. Read more

May 19, 2011 — WFPG hosted its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats during the 100th anniversary year of International Women’s Day. Speakers Ambassador Sofia Borges of Timor-Leste and Ambassador Ritva Jolkkonen of Finland highlighted the struggles that women in foreign policy have historically faced and the amazing strides towards equality and representation that they have achieved over the course of the past century. Read more

May 6, 2010 — The Croatian Embassy in the US hosted WFPG for its annual Celebration of Women Diplomats. Ambassadors to the US from Croatia, India, Liechtenstein, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Senegal, and Antigua and Barbuda spoke on the importance of mentoring young women entering the field of foreign policy. The Ambassadors of Burundi to the United States and the Ambassador of Uruguay to the Organization of American States were also in attendance. Read more
April 15, 2010 — The Women's Foreign Policy Group held a Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG member Geraldine Kunstadter. The event, which focused on the achievements of women diplomats, honored six ambassadors to the United Nations and five women consuls general from the New York area. Three women ambassadors, from the Bahamas, Grenada, and Monaco, shared personal experiences and thoughts on progress. Read more
March 10, 2009 — WFPG held its Celebration of Women Diplomats at the home of WFPG Board Chair Maxine Isaacs. The event was organized on the occasion of International Women’s Day and featured seven women ambassadors to the United States. The diplomats spoke of the necessity of bringing men and women together to empower women and encourage their advancement in the world. Read more

April 14, 2009 — WFPG Member Geraldine Kunstadter hosted an evening reception and program to celebrate and highlight the achievements of women diplomats. Guests included Ambassadors Joy Ogwu of Nigeria, Gabriela Shalev of Israel, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia, and Simona Mirela Miculescu of Romania. Other countries represented included the Czech Republic, Finland, Indonesia, and Norway. Read more
March 5, 2007 — Hosted by member Geraldine Kunstadter, WFPG held its Celebration of Women Diplomats on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The Ambassador of New Zealand to the UN and the Consul General of Belgium spoke of the importance of solidarity among women in the world, emphasizing the need for women to set ambitious targets for themselves. Read more
November 26, 2006 — WFPG held its first Celebration of Women Diplomats in DC at the residence of WFPG Board Chair Maxine Isaacs. Honorees included the Ambassadors to the United States from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Singapore, and South Africa, as well as former US Ambassadors to Djibouti, Nepal, and the Netherlands. Ambassador Anne Patterson gave brief remarks to open the event. Read more