Womens Foreign Policy Group
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YP Network Chat: Advocating for Yourself in the Workplace
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM EDT
Category: Events

For this month's Cocktails and Careers, the WFPG Young Professional Network Chapters in NY and DC will host WFPG board members Theresa Loar and Allison Ford for a virtual roundtable to discuss Advocating for yourself in the workplace: When and how to speak up.

Theresa Loar has been working at the nexus of business, human rights and diplomacy for over thirty years. Most recently, she was Senior Vice President for Global Corporate Affairs at CH2M, a Fortune 500 engineering firm where she worked with governments around the world on the political issues related to major infrastructure programs. She has particular expertise in multi stakeholder initiatives to combat modern slavery in supply chains. During the Clinton Administration, Ms. Loar worked at the highest levels of the US government to promote and protect women’s human rights, supporting the commitment of First Lady Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to put the advancement of women at the center of US foreign policy. She was also a co-founder and founding President of the Vital Voices Global Partnership and a Foreign Service Officer with postings overseas and in Washington, DC. She is co-chair of the WFPG's Board of Directors. @TheresaLoar

Allison Ford served as a manager of international government relations for United Technologies, a high-tech aerospace and building systems manufacturer with over 240,000 employees around the world. In her role, Ford monitored and analyzed developments in global policies that impact UTC’s business and international operations, and was also responsible for engaging with embassies, NGOs, and foreign and US government officials to advocate on behalf of UTC’s international interests. Prior to working for UTC, Ford was a policy practice coordinator for Van Ness Feldman, an environmental and energy law firm with offices in Georgetown and Seattle. Ford graduated from Gonzaga University in 2004 with a BA in History and was a member of the UTC Employee Scholar Program where she received her Master of Public Administration degree in 2014 from George Mason University. She serves on the executive committee of the WFPG Board of Directors. @araeraeford

Moderator: Kristen Folkerts, WFPG DC YP Network Co-chair

YP Network Members: Registration for this event is now closed

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YP Network career chats and roundtables are open to all WFPG young professional and student members. Questions? Email us at [email protected]